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Thank you for contacting VOI Training. We appreciate your interest in our training courses.

Ask us how we can help you or your company with your training needs. 

1280 Ruffels Road
Parksville, BC, V9P 2B6

(250) 739-9617

Applied environmental and natural resource training. Our industry-leading and recognized practitioner certificate training courses include Erosion and Sediment Control Practitioner (ESCP™), Environmental Monitoring for Construction Projects Practitioner (EMCPP™), and Environmental Field Procedures Practitioner (EFPP™).

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VOI Training Group is the industry-leading provider of relevant, applied natural resource and environmental training. Our assessment-based practitioner certificate training courses are recognized by industry stakeholders, consultants, regulators and professional associations. Accelerate your career with our in-demand skills training.

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PRactitioner™ Certificate Training Course SCHEDULE


”Thanks for a great week of learning, your presentation of the material was some of the best I’ve witnessed in an online course”.
S.C., SweetTech, Calgary, AB.

“Thank you very much for presenting such a well organized and informative course! This course provided a wholistic understanding of the role of an Environmental Monitor on Construction Projects and I am delighted to have the manual to refer back to”. A.S., Defense Construction Canada, Victoria, BC

“Thanks for the course! It was far more interesting than anticipated, and I will certainly make some changes to the way I work. The manual is fantastic too”. G.S., Strategic, Campbell River, BC

“The content was interesting and engaging and you (Ed) did an excellent job. I will highly recommend this course and others to colleagues”. L.H., Yucwmenlúcwu, Enderby, BC

Environmental Field Procedures for Works In and About WateR practitioner (efpp™)

“This was my first webinar course and it worked out great. You're (Ed) an excellent instructor and I appreciate all of your field knowledge.  I learned a lot this week”.
R.B., Prince George, BC


”This is the most useful course I’ve ever taken….it will serve me and our project well in the planning/implementation of our ESC program” N.B., Valard Construction, Edmonton, AB.

“Your erosion and sediment control course was very useful. I've gained a new perspective that was very well delivered. Thanks so much. I feel I can deliver much better advice and services to my clients now!!” S.J., Strategic, Campbell River, BC


  • All VOI Training Group News and Industry Information

  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Environment Canada Staff Attend ESCP™ + EFPP™ Practitioner Certificate Sessions in Dartmouth, NS…more

  • Parks Canada staff attend VOI Training Group dedicated and open registration training sessions across Canada…more

  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada Retains VOI Training Group to Deliver ESCP™ + EFPP™ Practitioner Certificate Course Package Training ...more

  • Manitoba Infrastructure selects VOI Training Group for Erosion and Sediment Control Practitioner (ESCP™) Certificate Training…more

  • Ontario Ministry of Transportation retains VOI Training Group for multi-year province-wide Erosion and Sediment Control training initiative ...more

  • Certificates vs. Certifications - What's the difference and why is it important? ...more

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