Risa Olekshy, BSc, CPESC
Risa Olekshy is an enthusiastic and energetic instructor of VOI Training Group's popular Erosion and Sediment Control Practitioner (ESCP™) Certificate course. She has worked throughout western and northern Canada as a Biologist and Environmental Educator for Parks Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and as a private Consultant. For the past 11 years she has enjoyed working with Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation as an Environmental Impact Assessment Biologist, and has helped the province ‘Green Up’ its day-to-day operations and construction practices.
Risa has a BSc in Biology from the University of Alberta and is a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC). She is committed to helping Industries achieve their objectives in an environmentally sustainable way. An avid outdoor enthusiast, Risa spends as much time as possible hiking, biking and cross-country skiing, and lives with her family and other wildlife in rural Manitoba.
Some testimonials from Erosion and Sediment Control Practitioner (ESCP™) Certificate training include:
Those who say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks has never taken your course! I enjoyed getting out and gaining an appreciation for how much work is involved, but also gave me a physical sense of how the stuff performs. J.G., Ministry of Transportation Ontario, North Bay, ON
"Thank you for putting together such a great training course. As a fairly new employee with ...., I found your course to be very informative. As a member of a design team I am now going to be able to provide more input for our Project Managers in regards to erosion and sediment control on our projects". A.H., Ministry of Transportation, London, ON.
"Material was presented with real-world experiences and examples. Come back more often!" B.W., Saskatchewan Water Security Agency, Saskatoon, SK
"I like that the material was presented in a clear and practical manner. The techniques discussed can actually be used in the field." K.C., Golder, Saskatoon, SK